
“This book represents a publication of the highest quality, for which photographer André Bärtschi, writer Kim MacQuarrie, and editor Jordi Blassi deserve the highest commendation.”

—Russell A. Mittermeier 
Conservation International

“My wife and I and our children are all book addicts. Together we have something close to 4000 books in our house. Of all these I count the books, “Peru’s Amazonian Eden” and “Where the Andes Meet the Amazon” as among my most prized possessions.

When our work is going badly, when the snow blows, I take out your book for inspiration. It never fails to bring new energy to the day and to remind me what a privilege we have to live at a time when places like Manu, Bahuaja-Sonene, and Madidi still flourish, and to make me feel again the awesome responsibility we bear to ensure that our children’s children might yet see these wonders. These books are a true heirloom.”

—Adrian Forsythe, PhD,
Author of Tropical Nature